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Coronavirus Information for DEX Property Guardians

property guardians coronavirus

We are monitoring the COVID-19 situation on a daily basis and taking advice from government resources and guardianship experts.

Our first priority is to ensure that our staff and customers remain safe, whilst adhering to public health advice.

We are aware that we play a critical role in keeping properties and guardians safe and secure, especially at this unprecedented time. As a result we would like to reassure clients and guardians that we are still open for business.

Although we are remaining open, our priority is that everyone remains safe. As a result, all DEX office staff are now working from home until further notice.

To contact any member of the DEX Team during office hours, please call 07717 072577 and you will be directed to the correct contact.

For emergency out of hours assistance please continue to call the main office number, 0800 0855 994. You will hear an answerphone message, giving further instructions.

This is an evolving situation and information is changing daily. For the most up-to-date and accurate advice on the coronavirus outbreak please refer the following government and NHS websites:

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DEX Brave The Cold For Our Charity Partner, LandAid


On one of the coldest nights of the year, 4 hardy members of the DEX team took to the streets of London, to take part in the famous property sleepout, to show DEX’s continued support for youth homeless charity, LandAid.

The event saw over 300 property professionals, supplied with just a cardboard box, brave the cold overnight at the Oval cricket ground, London. Before bedding down, the DEX team listened to humbling talks, including that of George O’Neil, Chief Executive of the Cardinal Hume Centre. George talked about the impact LandAid funds were making to them, providing safe homes for vulnerable young people across the capital.

Of course, this event doesn’t come close to replicating the harsh reality of having to sleep rough, it does offer a chance to stand in solidarity with homeless individuals, raising funds and awareness of the issues too many young people face.

Rogier Donkersloot, Managing Director of DEX Property Management and one of the DEX Sleepout volunteers said “The event was a real eye-opener. I was slightly apprehensive beforehand, given the snow flurries we had in the morning, but I knew we were well prepared. It was an extremely cold evening, but I am aware it is nothing compare to what many young people have to face on a daily basis. As a company, we were delighted to raise close to £1,500 for LandAid, which is an amazing charity that we are very proud to support.”


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Winter Responsibilities for Property Guardians

secure empty property for winter

Dark days, early nights and extreme winter weather mean extra responsibility for property guardians over the colder months. We caught up with the two newest members of DEX’s Property Management Team, Kate and Jason, and asked them a series of questions, specifically related to securing Property Guardian buildings during winter….

Q: Our property has a big garden, what do I need to do to maintain it over the winter months?

A: Generally, gardens look after themselves in the colder months as plants don’t grow as rapidly, but there are a number of things Guardians should do to make sure the garden is ‘winter ready’. Trees surrounding property should really be cut back as they could damage the property in bad weather and I would encourage Guardians to call the Property Management team if there are any around their property. Fences can fall over in strong winds, so we recommend making sure everything is secure and sturdy and that smaller items, such as garden furniture, are safely stored away too.

Q: Last year we noticed water on the inside of our windows and the place smelt a little damp. What can we do to stop it this year?

A: Interior condensation occurs on the inside of windows and it happens in the winter when the warm air inside the house condenses on the cold windows. It’s a common issue, but there are many small changes Property Guardian to reduce the problem;

  • Ensure the house is ventilated
  • If it isn’t too cold, open the windows for short periods
  • Move houseplants away from the window, as they can produce moisture
  • Use extractor fans if available
  • Keep bathroom and kitchen doors closed

If a Guardian notices condensation, it’s important to try and take these precautionary steps, as if the problem goes untreated it could lead to mould forming. If the problem continues, DEX can provide moisture eliminators or dehumidifiers.

Q: The property we live is pretty old, are there any extra measures we should be taking when the temperature drops?

A: Make sure the property is wind and watertight by checking the exterior of the property. Guardians should look for broken or missing tiles, overflowing guttering or cracks in the walls. These can all lead to water getting into the property, older properties are more susceptible to leaks and they can result in more serious or structure issues. If leaks are identified the property management team should be notified immediately. Keep an eye out for damp, again older properties can be more susceptible. Making sure the property is well ventilated and that the heating is in regularly use can help reduce the problem.

Q: I heard that property related crime levels tend to increase over the winter, what extra security measures we should be taking?

A: Darker evenings and shorter days mean properties are more susceptible to crime in the winter months, than at any other time of the year. As a Guardian there are a few simple steps that can be made to improve security levels. Put lights are on in the property during the evening, to ensure the property looks visibility lived in. Having Property Guardians living in the property is the biggest deterrent to criminals, especially if the building has been empty previously. Ideally a Property Guardian would be in the property throughout the day and evening and obviously have all doors and windows locked and secure at all times.

If you are a DEX Property Guardian and you have any questions relating to property management or maintenance issues please contact the team directly on 0800 0855 994 or email
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London Hotspots Where Property Guardians Save over 50% on Monthly Accommodation Costs

cheap rent london

Revealed: The London hotspots where property guardians are saving up to 60% on monthly accommodation costs

It’s no secret that rising accommodation costs in the UK’s capital have long been pricing millennials, keyworkers, and first time buyers saving for a mortgage out of London. Many are moving out of the capital to Kent, Surrey and the surrounding areas, but what’s the alternative if you want to find cheap rent in London?

Recent research by DEX Property Management reveals that one solution could be living as a property guardian. With shops and public buildings closing at an alarming rate, disused properties are being transformed across the city in to habitable living spaces in some of London’s most sought after postcodes. Property guardians pay a licensing fee as opposed to a traditional rent in order to live in empty residential or commercial properties. In return, they help to keep buildings secure and deter antisocial behaviour and squatters in London communities.

Property Guardians Save over 50% on their average monthly housing costs…

In trendy Camden, individuals can expect to pay up to 50% more on their average monthly housing cost than those living as property guardians. The areas of West London, Shepherds Bush and Marylebone also saw property guardianship offering licensing fees of up to 57% less than traditional monthly accommodation costs. One of the largest savings found by DEX was in business district Canary Wharf. Thanks to the area’s plethora of luxury apartments, those living as part of a guardianship agreement were found to save up to 61% on the cost of accommodation.*

There are a number of benefits to living as a property guardian. Guardianship allows people to live affordably in some of the UK’s major towns and cities where they otherwise could not afford to live in a central location. This has enabled first time buyers to save and many workers to live close to where they work, removing the costly commute to the capital.

The research conducted also revealed figures for places in the North West of the city, as well as the South East of London. Two areas which play home to a couple of the most iconic music venues in London; The o2 arena and Wembley Stadium also revealed interesting savings. In Greenwich, the average monthly standard room price was almost £845.55, compared to a typical guardian licensing fee of under £437.50 per month. In Wembley, rooms were found to be an average of almost £729.44 compared with guardian fees of £395 per calendar month.*

[button url=”” text=”infographic: Average Monthly Guardian Room Prices vs Private Sector Costs”]


Looking for cheap rent London?

To find out more about guardianship in London, please visit or email your enquiry to


*Average cheap rent London rental room prices from Spare room. Guardian prices from industry research conducted by DEX Property Management
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Head Property Guardians’ Pizza Night

Head Property Guardian Pizza Night

Living in a house share property brings with it lots of perks, but at the same time having multiple house mates can sometimes create a few tensions. In order to keep our house shares running smoothly and harmoniously, we often place Head Property Guardians into properties. Head Guardians take on additional responsibilities, they liaise closely with DEX’s Guardian Management Team, reporting any issues promptly and assists with monthly inspections of the site.

Head Guardians are experienced Property Guardians, they have normally been with DEX for a few years, building up a good relationship with DEX’s Guardian Management Team. The work they do for us is incredibly valuable, they are our eyes and ears in our larger properties and in order for the relationship to work smoothly it is key that good communication is maintained.

That is why we have started to hold Head Guardian meet ups, where we can discuss any issues, review Head Guardian duties and air any ongoing concerns. The first was held at the end on June over pizza and wine in central London and a great time was had by all. Head Guardians and members of DEX’s Guardians and Property Management teams were present and it was great for everyone to get to know each other and catch up in an informal setting.

We are always looking for Head Guardians as we get more large house share properties. If you feel you are an experienced Property Guardian, ready to take the next in securing and protecting empty property then let a member of the DEX Guardian Management Team know – we would love to have you along at our next meet up!

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Tomorrow’s FM – On Guard

vacant property services

Property Guardians offer owners an alternative to traditional security in empty commercial properties, writes Rogier Donkersloot, Managing Director and Founder of DEX Property Management, provider of vacant property services

Tomorrow’s FM: April 2019 

When buildings are left unused or awaiting a refurbishment, they can be left vulnerable to squatters and break-ins.

Boarding up property is often unfavourable and can have a negative effect on the local community and the surrounding area. Additionally, there’s the issue that unused buildings often deteriorate in condition if left vacant for a long period of time.

Recent research suggests that more than 11,000 UK homes are empty for 10 years or more. With traditional rents in London ever increasing and pricing young professionals and workers out of the property market, property Guardianship makes economic and social sense.

A report from the Centre for London from 2018 estimates that there is almost 30 million sq.ft of commercial space in the capital alone that has been vacant for over two years. That’s a lot of empty space potentially susceptible to damage, theft and squatting. In addition to this, there are estimated to be 200,000 empty homes also sitting dormant in the UK.

Guardianship and Vacant Properties

Property Guardianship has revolutionised vacant property services and security over recent years. There are currently an estimated 7,000 to 10,000 people living as property Guardians across the UK, according to the UK’s leading property resource Zoopla.

While it is considered a relatively new phenomenon in the UK, property Guardianship has been widely used as a solution to many property security issues in the Netherlands for a number of years now. In the Netherlands, around 20,000 people are living in low cost properties that would otherwise be redundant thanks to Guardianship.

Property Guardians pay a licensing fee, which is typically much cheaper than a traditional rent to live in a vacant building for a period of time. This allows a building to remain used and functional while generating income for property owners and building owners.

Security and Maintenance

Vandalism, metal theft and arson have become particularly prevalent issues in the UK over recent years. Not only is vandalism unsightly for local communities, but also costs property owners and local councils thousands to remove. Preventing vandalism where possible (by taking precautionary measures such as placing Guardians in properties) can save time and money in the long run.

Guardianship is suitable for any commercial or residential property that is water and wind proof and that has electricity and water active. DEX manages all types of property including unused hospitals, churches, office blocks schools to name a few.

Many of the buildings that house Guardians are based in sought after locations, meaning a monthly fee for a Guardian that’s much cheaper than traditional rent, but also security for a property that may otherwise be sought out by squatters or burglars. It isn’t just the capital and major cities that Guardianship is confined to; there are Guardians all over the country looking for vacant buildings to temporarily call home.

Property Guardians

Property Guardians are vetted by DEX prior to moving in to a property and many of our Guardians are key workers or young professionals who want somewhere affordable to live while finding their feet.

Allowing Property Guardians to live in a vacant property helps to strengthen entry points against intruders, keeps a steady stream of people around the property and ensures buildings are not visibly empty.

Guardianship also ensures public buildings – some of which have historic and architectural significance – are protected. Local authorities are also accountable for the use of their empty buildings; Guardians ensure properties are not left unoccupied while the UK is in the midst of rising rents.

By helping facilities managers exercise control over the mounting costs of building maintenance in the lead up to a refurbishment. Ensuring a property is well maintained and habitable can help to extend the life of the property’s resources.

How Does it Work?

Such is the increase in Guardianship in the UK over the last few years; the Property Guardian Providers Association (PGPA) has been formed to give an industry standard to properties. This includes making sure buildings meet safety and standard requirements. If a building is to undergo a regeneration or large scale refurbishment and the property has been empty for a significant amount of time, cleaning costs before the project begins can soon begin to mount up.

It’s not unheard of for clean-up operations on this scale to run in to thousands of pounds before a building can become habitable once again. Keeping a building regularly maintained and allowing Guardians to move in ensures maintenance and cleaning is regularly undertaken.

The process of turning your building in to a Guardian friendly property isn’t lengthy and is tailored to your property. At DEX, we have a team of property managers who will conduct an initial site visit to determine what requirements need to be met. Facilities managers then receive a bespoke report for their property, outlining what needs to be done to prepare the building and our team will then set about fitting the property with the appropriate appliances. We can safely say we have property Guardian occupation and the property secure with a maximum of 10 working days.

A Specialist in Vacant Property Services

As a founding member of the PGPA, we at DEX have more than 10 years’ experience helping property owners and local authorities ensure vacant buildings are secure and protected through the use of property Guardians. Since our formation in 2009, we have built a rich history in helping councils, housing associations and NHS trusts to make the best use of vacant properties.

We currently work with 50% of the G15 housing associations and have been entrusted to place Guardians in a wide selection of different properties. We manage large scale regeneration projects with 50 plus Guardians through to one-bedroom flats. Some of the more unusual placements include an adapted convent and old dairy in Ladbroke Grove, and a police station.

In recent years we have also seen an increase in demand for placing Guardians in to religious buildings having taken on our first client in this sector in 2016. Just one of the current properties we have available for Guardians is the Archbishop of Westminster’s holiday retreat.

Read the full article on vacant property services in Aprils edition on Tomorrow’s FM…

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Why Property Guardianship Is The Key To Modern Property Security

Property Guardians

DEX’s Managing Director, Rogier Donkersloot, discusses why Property Guardianship is a great solution to modern property security issues.


Q: For the uninitiated, what is Property Guardianship?

A: Recent research suggests that more than 11,000 UK homes are empty for 10 years or over. A report from the Centre for London from 2018 estimates that there is almost 30 million sq. foot of commercial space in the capital alone that has been vacant for over two years. That’s a lot of empty space potentially susceptible to damage, theft and squatting. In addition to this, there are estimated to be 200,000 empty homes also sitting dormant in the UK.

Property Guardians pay a licensing fee, which is typically much cheaper than a traditional rent to live in a vacant building for a period of time. This allows a building to remain used and functional while generating income for property owners and building owners. With traditional rents in London ever increasing and pricing young professionals and workers out of the property market, Property Guardianship makes economic and social sense.

Q: Why is Property Guardianship needed?

A: Security is one of the biggest challenges facing owners of empty property. Whether property is commercial or residential, there’s no doubt that unused buildings or those awaiting refurbishment are vulnerable to squatters and break-ins. Boarding up property can also be unfavourable and can have a negative effect on the local community and the surrounding area. Additionally, there’s the issue that unused buildings often deteriorate in condition if left vacant for a long period of time. Traditional property security can be expensive, so Guardians offer an alternative solution.

Q: How many people are acting as Property Guardians in the UK?

A: There are currently an estimated 7,000 to 10,000 people living as Property Guardians across the UK, according to the UK’s leading property resource Zoopla. And in a recent census of the Property Guardian sector, its clear that Guardians come from a diverse range of professional backgrounds – 30% of Property Guardians are key workers.

While it is considered a relatively new phenomenon in the UK, Property Guardianship has been widely used as a solution to many property security issues in the Netherlands for a number of years now. In the Netherlands, around 20,000 people are living in low cost properties that would otherwise be redundant thanks to Guardianship.

Q: What property security issues can Guardianship help prevent?

A: Vandalism, metal theft, squatting and arson have become particularly prevalent issues in the UK over recent years. Not only is vandalism unsightly for local communities, but also costs property owners and local councils thousands to remove. Preventing vandalism where possible (by taking precautionary measures such as placing Guardians in properties) can save time and money in the long run.

Allowing property Guardians to live in a vacant property helps to strengthen entry points against intruders, keeps a steady stream of people around the property and ensures buildings are not visibly empty. Guardianship also ensures public buildings – some of which have historic and architectural significance – are protected. Local authorities are also accountable for the use of their empty buildings; Guardians ensure properties are not left unoccupied while the UK is in the midst of rising rents. Property security is significantly enhanced when using the services of Guardians.

Q: What does my property need to have to host Guardians?

Guardianship is suitable for any commercial or residential property that is water and wind proof and that has electricity and water active. DEX manages all types of property including unused hospitals, churches, and office blocks schools to name a few.

Many of the buildings that house Guardians are based in sought after locations, meaning a monthly fee for a Guardian that’s much cheaper than traditional rent, but also security for a property that may otherwise be sought out by squatters or burglars. It isn’t just the capital and major cities that Guardianship is confined to; there are Guardians all over the country looking for vacant buildings to temporarily call home.

Q: What is the PGPA?

A: Such is the increase in Guardianship in the UK over the last few years; the Property Guardian Providers Association (PGPA) has been formed to give an industry standard to properties. This includes making sure buildings meet safety and standard requirements. As a founding member of the PGPA, we at DEX have more than 10 years’ experience helping Property Owners and local authorities ensure vacant buildings are secure and protected through the use of Property Guardians.

Q: What is the process of getting Guardians in to an empty property?

A: The process of turning your building in to a Guardian friendly property isn’t lengthy and is tailored to your property. At DEX, we have a team of Property Managers who will conduct an initial site visit to determine what requirements need to be met. Facilities Managers or Property Owners then receive a bespoke report for their property, outlining what needs to be done to prepare the building and our team will then set about fitting the property with the appropriate appliances. In the majority of cases works are carried out by DEX and at no cost to the Property Owner. We can safely say we have Property Guardian occupation and the property secure with a maximum of 10 working days. In many instances we can also offer a Flex Guardian service which means a Guardian could be living in your property within 24 hours while it is awaiting full occupation.

Q: Why should I choose DEX?

A: We currently work with 50% of the G15 housing associations and have been entrusted to place Guardians in a wide selection of different properties. We manage large scale regeneration projects with 50 plus Guardians through to 1 bedroom flats. Some of the more unusual placements include an adapted convent and old dairy in Ladbroke Grove, and a police station. We also offer fast turnaround times for placing Guardians in empty properties and making them habitable. We take care of your property security and our Property Guardians, making our team the perfect fit to help keep your property safe.

To find out more about how Guardianship can help to secure your property please email 
