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One red and one green chair sitting on both sides of a small table

5 Sustainable & Affordable Methods to Furnish Your New Home

As a property guardian, furnishing your new space can be both exciting and challenging. You want to create a comfortable home without breaking the bank ...
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People in a London park

Staycation Adventures for London

Have you considered staying in London for your holidays? Staycations offer a wonderful chance to explore and experience the hidden gems right in your own ...
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Man potting a plant at his desk

5 Ways to Maximise Your Space

As a property guardian, saving on rent is a major perk. Whether your temporary digs are compact or more spacious, it's smart to make the ...
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Palace of Westminister

2024 Spring Budget: Addressing The Housing Crisis

Explore the 2024 Spring Budget's impact on the housing crisis, and how solutions like property guardianship provide interim relief and sustainable housing.
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Housing Crisis

Thriving in 2024: Navigating a Changing Housing Market

Maximise your living experience: embrace budgeting, sustainability, and community as a Property Guardian
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How To Manage Vacant Commercial Property

Elevate your property management strategy to address the surging vacancy rates in commercial properties across the UK.
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Navigating The Cost-of-Living Crisis As A Property Guardian

Stay ahead of winter's damp grip – ventilate, clean vents, and tackle mould promptly to ensure a warm and mould-free home this season.
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Preventing Condensation and Mould in Your Home

Stay ahead of winter's damp grip – ventilate, clean vents, and tackle mould promptly to ensure a warm and mould-free home this season.
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Guardianship: Combatting The Plight of Homelessness

Unlock the potential of volunteering as a Dex Property Guardian, championing social impact and driving positive change in your community.
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6 Tips For A Cosy Autumnal Abode

September offers the perfect opportunity to create a cosy, inspiring space for the fall season. As the leaves change and the air turns crisp, it’s ...
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